Cybersafe 2020

Cybersafe is an online event, the main goal of which is to help businesses resist cyber threats. The event was held on June 25, 2020, and the key topic was the cybersecurity of companies in a remote working environment.

The broadcast lasted seven hours. During this time, 12 experts gave speeches. Professional representatives of the industry including information security specialists, international cybersecurity consultants, representatives of the Office of Cybercrime, and many others, shared their experience.

More than 400 participants attended the conference. The online event became useful for those who want to prevent a cyberattack on their company, reduce the risks of intruders accessing the company's financial information, ensure the safe work of a team remotely, and train employees in the basics of cybersecurity.

The listeners not only got access to the experts’ speeches but were also able to directly participate in the event: ask questions and get advice in the online chat, get acquainted with other participants in the Telegram channel. The maximum effect of being present at the event was provided by several cameras and broadcast editing in real time.


Participated Nominations: